Bernard Reber

Bernard Reber is a Research Director at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Political Research Center of Sciences Po Paris. []

He integrated CNRS as a Senior (tenured) Research Fellow (first class) in 2000. Philosopher (HDR/Sorbonne) and political scientist (PhD/School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS) / Centre for sociological and political Studies Aron Centre, Paris).

Member of the editorial Committee of the collection Sciences, Society and new Technologies (London, ISTE – New-York, Wiley).(Since 2015) Editor of the Series (English and French), Responsible Innovation and Research (13 vol.), (London, ISTE – New-York, Wiley)
Member of the editorial Board of Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, Springer. Co-editor for the annual reviews in political and moral philosophy of La Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, France University Press.